Archive for the And in other news Category

How Not to Stay Cool in the Tarai

Posted in And in other news, Country life on September 8, 2010 by theajnabee

I’ve just moved back to the Tarai after a period of absence, and am living in the same house I was based in last year. Re-adjusting to the heat is a bit of a challenge after several months in the hills.

When I first moved into the house, I inherited a giant, gecko shit-encrusted air cooling machine from the landlord. At first I had no idea what this thing was, having come from a country known for its temperate weather. It looked like a cross between a washing machine and the Large Hadron Collider. Perplexed, I just used it as a place to stack newspapers.

This is what my air cooling machine looks like. Sort of

Anyhow, I switched it on today, and have concluded that it’s just about the most counter-productive piece of equipment in the world. All it does is to blast the house with warm air that smells like wet socks and potatoes, make a roaring sound like a light aircraft taking off, and create a vortex in the middle of the living room into which interview notes rapidly disappear. Sitting in the same room as the air cooler made me think of those Bollywood song sequences where wind is blowing on the actors from no discernable source.

Anyway, field ko jindagi yestai ho. My life is not quite as glamorous as previous blog entries might have suggested, and air coolers are rubbish. Just as well that the fridge (which I am tempted to climb into) has a nice bottle of Everest beer waiting in it.

The Ajnabee’s society page appearance

Posted in And in other news on August 15, 2010 by theajnabee

The Ajnabee’s pic appeared in TGIF (Himalayan Times‘ weekend supplement) this week, alongside the bright young things of Kathmandu at the First Love premiere.

look at meeee

I thought I would share this with my readers because, well, everyone’s a little bit narcissistic sometimes, hoina?